2023 was a year of finding a new space to heal and thrive. I don't think I will be able to achieve my accomplishments without my care cicle. I am extremely grateful for the support and love of my family, my partner, and friends in Australia, in the Philippines, and elsewhere. In this blog entry, I reflect on my 2023 and what's in store for 2024.
I am currently recruiting participants for an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Project, "Exploring the Digital Divide in the Ageing Migrant's Personal Home" (DE230101380).
To know more about the call for participants, continue reading. I am extremely delighted to be advertising a PhD scholarship on the intersection of digital media, mobilities, migration, and ageing research at Monash University. As a successful candidate, you will be joining my team to unpack how the digital divide is experienced and navigated by ageing migrants in their personal home. The home is conceptualised as a highly mediated, networked, transnational and interrupted space shaping the maintenance of personal, familial and social lives on a local and transnational domain. The PhD project is part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Project on "Exploring the digital divide in the ageing migrant's personal home". If you're interested, check the link below and apply! Job Search - Jobs at Monash (pageuppeople.com) If you have any questions, please get in touch. Spread widely too. Thank you very much. Photo by Roven Images on Unsplash It's that time of the year when I get a change to relax and reflect. I would say that my 2022 was filled with a lot of exciting and colourful events. I was blessed with great opportunities. However, I also navigated lots of challenges. I am just thankful for the support of many people. Hence, I got through 2022! Let me detail my journey.
Friday morning, I was in a meeting with my colleagues. It’s part of a two-day retreat. That morning, our Head of School joined. He was speaking when I suddenly I received a notification on Twitter. I was not keen to open it as I was listening. But I was not able to control myself, I opened Twitter. I thought, a quick glance won’t distract me.
I was recently appointed as Honorary Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University. The invited fellowship was made on the basis of recognising an outstanding early career research who is committed to making a contribution to the Humanities Research Centre. As part of my fellowship, I presented my work on "Thinking through (im)mobilities: A research agenda in investigating a migrant's digital lifeworld" I am grateful to Professor Kylie Message, the Director of the Humanities Research Centre, and the professional staff who organised the hybrid presentation. For those who missed my presentation, read more to access the abstract and recorded presentation (audio and video). I’ve been very busy for the past hours. I’ve been preparing for our New Year’s Eve celebration. I am preparing some dishes and baking my first ever cake! Indeed, it’s time to sweeten the coming year. Finally, I’ve had the time to unwind, reflect and write this blog entry. I guess it’s time to reflect on my 2021. So how’s my 2021? The past years have been extremely challenging. As lockdowns were implemented in Victoria, Australia, I often found myself working mostly from home. I was physical immobile while also virtually mobile. Despite the everyday challenges of navigating stay-at-home measures (especially with limited movements and living away from my family and friends in the Philippines), I have managed to focus and work on my research projects and publications, taught in seminars, and also participated proactively in conferences, workshops, and even in a virtual fellowship. Today, I have received an excellent news from the Faculty of Arts and Education at Deakin University. I am very delighted to share with everyone the review of my forthcoming book titled "(Im)mobile Homes: Family life at a distance in the age of mobile media". I am grateful for the inspiring reviews of my book, written by leading scholars in my field. Thank you to Oxford University Press (OUP) for publishing my first sole-authored book. I am very delighted to announce that my book is coming out soon. I feel very proud of what I have achieved. Truth be told, I have never really thought that I will be able to produce and publish a book. I didn't expect that moving to Brunei Darussalam for work would pave the way for an embodied experience of being an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), and eventually lead to developing a PhD research project on examining the role of digital media and technologies in shaping transnational family life. I migrated to Australia in 2012 to start my PhD journey. So after many years of hardwork and dedication, I wrote a thesis in which contents were presented in several conferences and published in journals and edited book collections. The book encapsulates my journey, growth and positioning as a scholar in the field of digital media, mobilities and migration. I couldn't thank enough the people and institutions that have become part of my journey. More importantly, I will be forever indebted to the transnational families who welcomed me into their homes and entrusted me their stories, hopes, dreams, and even frustrations in navigating a mobile world. Their words, affective narratives and motive and personalised photos are carefully mapped, analysed, and incorporated into the volume. |