- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "Circuits of (im)mobilities: Paradoxical digitality in the migrant’s home", The 24th biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, 5 -8 July 2022, Monash University, Clayton Campus. Organised by Monash University and the Herb Feith Engagement Centre.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "Mediating movements and stillness: Rethinking the possibilities and politics of of a digitised post-pandemic world, speaker in the special panel "Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration and Media" in the 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACAS2022), Tokyo, Japan (online).Organised by the International Academic Forum (IAFOR). [Link]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), "(Im)mobility in the digital age", 2nd International Conference on Media and Social Science, organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, 24 - 26 August 2021. [Conference link]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2020), "Platforms, Practices, and Politics: Interrogating intimate mobilities of Filipina-Japanese marriage on YouTube", organised by Ateneo de Manila University and the Japan Foundation, 31 January - 1 February.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2023), Using Visual Methods in Investigating Ageing Migrant's Digital Practices in the Home Setting, Digital Cultures Research Workshop, University of Sydney, 28 July.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2023), "Digital inclusion research priorities: A national approach", ADM+S and QUT’s Digital Media Research Centre, ADM+S Building, 21 July.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2023), "Older Filipina-Australians Navigating Distributed and Disrupted Care in a Digital World", Activating Social Connection Symposium: Connecting across disciplines and perspectives, Swinburne University of Technology, 7 June.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "The sites, scale, and slippage of networked belongingness: The (dis)connected lives of ageing migrants during the pandemic", Institute for Culture & Society, Western Sydney University, 18 August.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "Feeling close from afar: The digital repertoires of ageing migrants during the pandemic", seminar presentation in the National Ageing Research Institute, 2 August.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "Locked out of a digital world? Unlocking mediated (im)mobilities in the migrant's home", Mobilities Aotearoa seminar series, Massey University, 24 August.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "“It’s something that makes you feel you’re still alive”: Ageing migrants’ mobile visual-based practices during the pandemic", La Trobe Social Inquiry Seminar, La Trobe University, 27 July.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "(Un)belonging in a networked world: The consumption of COVID-19 information among ageing migrants in pandemic times", invited presenter in the interdisciplinary workshop on racism, migration and COVID-19, organised by Ashleigh Haw, Karen Farquharson, and, Val Col-Peisker, University of Melbourne, 17 June 2022.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), "Mediating movements and stillness: Rethinking the possibilities and politics of of a digitised post-pandemic world, speaker in the special panel "Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration and Media" in the 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACAS2022), Tokyo, Japan (online). Organised by the International Academic Forum (IAFOR). [Link]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), guest of honour, 30th Anniversary of the Australian-Filipino Community Services (AFCS), 30 October 2021.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), "My son sets up everything. I just click, click, click, and that's all": Locating digitised care crisis provision in ageing migrants' digital lives, Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare), University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 13 September 2021.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), "'Without technology we'd be very stuck': Ageing migrants' comobility capital in pandemic times", Max Planck Research Group, Germany, 27 May 2021. [Webinar link] [Recording]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B., "The transnational home in a digital era: Potentialities and Politics", National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 10 May.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2023), "Networked (im)mobility in the migrant's home: A new research agenda in the field of migration", Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre, 16 March, Monash Clayton, 16 March.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2023) "Distributed, Digitalised and Divided: Transnational Filipino Family in the Digital Era", Seminar Series, La Trobe University, 23 February.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), Thinking through (im)mobilities: A research agenda in investigating a migrant’s digital lifeworld, seminar series in the Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, 19 April 2022. [Register]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), guest presenter (with honorarium), "Locked out or locked in? Examining gendered (im)mobility in the digital age, NOISE (Network of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies in Europe) Summer School 2021, Theme: Borders, Boundaries and the Politics of Belonging. Feminist Digital Cartographies, organised by the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies, 30 August - 3 September 2021. [More information] [Recording]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), keynote speaker, "(Im)mobility in the digital age", 2nd International Conference on Media and Social Science, organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, 24 - 26 August 2021. [Conference link]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2020), presenter in an online panel on "Social media use in migration research", (Im)mobile Gaze: The governance and economies of intimate transnational ties in a digital era", organised by Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration, 10 November [Link]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B.l (2023), member of the panel 'Influencers are just vain", IERLab Groundhog Day, 11 September 2023. [Full Program]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), Presenter in the Roundtable on Television Production in the digital age, GMA-7, 28 October.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2022), Presenter in the TikTok & Asian Diaspora Roundtable, organised by the TikTok Cultures Research Network (TCRN), 17 October.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), "Postcolonial baiting: Extracting value through the spectacle of care in a platform society", Digital Cultures of Care Webinar, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, 12 May 2021.[Click] [Recording link]
- Soriano, C. R. and Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), '"Marcos Truths" on YouTube: Stories and Discursive Styles, 3rd National Conference on Democracy and Disinformation, organised by the University of the Philippine Visayas, 24 February 2021. [Curated information in the webinar]
- Cabalquinto, E.C.B. (2020), presenter (funded airfare and accommodation), "The curated life of a Filipina bride: YouTubing interracial marriages in a mobile era", Gender, Migration and Digital Networks in Asia Workshop, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 20 - 21 February.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2020), keynote speaker, "Platforms, Practices, and Politics: Interrogating intimate mobilities of Filipina-Japanese marriage on YouTube", 18th International Conference on Japanese Studies, organised by Ateneo de Manila University and the Japan Foundation, 31 January - 1 February.
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), resource speaker (with honorarium) on "How to be critical digital consumers and be active and engaged thinkers and creators in a digital environment", APRU Undergraduate Leaders’ Program 2021 (APRU ULP 2021) with the theme, Sahaya: Science and Arts Harnessing the Youth’s Advocacies, University of the Philippines and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) on 18 - 29 October 2021 (via Zoom). [Event link]
- Cabalquinto, E. C. B. (2021), presenter, "Proximity in creative engagement: Digital literacy in a teaching and learning hub", in the webinar on "Strengthening the digital literacy of educators in the times of COVID-19", organised by the University of the Philippines and partner organisations, 16 February 2021.
- On research methods, A7001: Master of Arts Research Training, Monash University.
- On designing a research project, APG5050: Doing media and communication research, Monash University.
- On collecting and analysing data on TikTok, for the class ATS1391: Media Analytics Lab, Monash University.
- Tune in, tune out? Locating dis/connection through the domestication of the SMART television in the ageing migrant's personal home, ATS1304: Introduction to Television Studies, Monash University, 9 August 2024.
- Diaspora and Transnationalism. Global Language & Ethnic Relations (Course SOC1027). Global and Language Studies. School of Global, Urban and Social Studies , RMIT University, Australia, 21 April 2024.
- On intercultural and multicultural public relations, ATS1125: Public Relations Foundations, Monash University, 17 April 2024.
- A home away from home: Mobile media use in maintaining transnational family life, Western Sydney University, 5 September 2023.
- Visualising family life at a distance: Mobile photography and the digital traces of forced immobility, Hallym University, Seoul, South Korea, 19 May 2022.
- Communication at a distance via (im)mobile photography (online presentation), Glendon College - York University, Canada, 4 March 2022.
- Displaying family life at a distance: Mobile photography and the transnational Filipino family (online presentation), Glendon College - York University, Canada, 5 March 2021.
- A conversation with Professor Monika Buscher on asymmetrical mobile intimacy (Online), Lancaster University, 14 January 2021
- Examining transnational family life through digital media research methods (Online presentation), Australian National University, 3 September 2020.
- Portable Home: Transnational Family Life in a Mobile Era (video presentation), Lancaster University, UK, December 2019.
- Re-examining migration in an era of ubiquitous mobile media, New Media and Migration, Swinburne University, April 2018.
- Semiotics and media culture, ATS 1279: Media and Culture, Monash University, April 2018.
- Subcultures and media communities, ATS 1279: Media and Culture, Monash University, March 2018.
- Promotional culture and cultural studies, APG 5018: Celebrity, Fashion and Publicity, September 2017.
- The WWW and Google, ATS 2436: New Media, from the telegraph to Twitter, Monash University, May 2017.
- Television, ATS 2436: New Media, from the telegraph to Twitter, Monash University, April 2017.
- At home elsewhere: Mediated communication in transnational family life, APG 4400: Issues in International Communication, Monash University, March 2014.
- Mirror, Mirror, Who’s on the wall? Dressing up sales and capturing minds through advertising’s wardrobe, APG 5018: Celebrity, Fashion and Publicity, Monash University, September 2013.
- Philippine Australia Forum: Building understanding through academic research, SBS Filipino Radio, 8 March 2023. [LINK]
- Commentary, 'There's no clocking off': Why a popular TikToker says being an influencer is like owning a business, SBS Filipino, 28 June 2023. [LINK]
- Commentary, Indian online groups connecting thousands, as social media helps migrants thrive in Australia, ABC News, 6 February 2023. [LINK]
- Interview on 'Apat ay Sapat': Filipino community group sets up a campaign to encourage seniors to get booster shots, SBS Filipino Radio, 28 December 2022. [LINK]
- Special Feature Interview, hosted by Violi Calvert, Radio Tagumpay, Triple H 100.1 FM. [LINK]
- Meet the Millenials: Millenial OFW, Interviewed by Professor Nicole Curato, CNN Philippines,5 November 2022. [LINK]
- Commentary, Kita sa pagiging online influencer sapat na ba para maging full time na trabaho, SBS Filipino, 6 September 2022. [LINK]
- Commentary, "'It's not just luck': TikTok couple admits being influencers is hard work", SBS Filipino, 31 August 2022. [LINK]
- Commentary, 'Masculinity is prized even in the LGBTQ community': Beauty influencer on life as a feminine man, SBS Filipino, 14 September 2022. [LINK]
- Guest, interview on newly published book "(Im)mobile Homes: Family Life at a Distance in the Age of Mobile Media", New Books in Southeast Asian Studies Podcast, 14 November 2022. [Link]
- Guest interview with Professor Myria Georgiou, Hosted by Associate Professor Amanda Alencar, The Migration Podcast, Special Episode: Migration and Media, IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network), Listen via the Website, Soundcloud, and Spotify.
- What ever happened to the quintessential young Fil-Am icon? CNN Philippines - Life, Andrea Panalian, 5 October 2021. [LINK]
- Welcome to their channel: How pro-Marcos content creators use deep stories and lax monitoring on YouTube, quotes based on presentation with Professor Cheryll Soriano on 'Marcos Truths on YouTube: Stories and Discursive Styles, 26 February 2021. [LINK]
- Filipino seniors most affected by the Facebook news ban, interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andar, SBS Filipino Radio, 20 February 2021. [LINK]
- What Facebook's news content ban means for Filipinos in Australia, interviewed and quoted by Camille Elemia of Rappler Philippines, 18 February 2021. [LINK]
- Breaking the silence Episode 1: 'Miguel', interviewed and quoted by Cristina Lazo of SBS Filipino in the Filipino Language Program, September 2020, [LINK]
- Behind the screens: Survivor opens up about digital abuse at the hands of same-sex partner, quoted by Nikki Alfonso-Gregorio, September 2020, [LINK]
- Lesson plan for digital learning, interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 29 June 2020, [LINK]
- How do Filipino migrants engage in transnational, online communications to keep in touch with families back home, interviewer by Dr. Michael Rivera, the Arch and Anth Podcast, 24 April 2020, [LINK]
- Filipinas find agency to choose [focus on problematising agency among Filipino women's use of dating applications on a transnational context], interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 12 June 2019. [LINK]
- Caring from a distance [focus on mobile device use in transnational caregiving], interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 24 October 2018. [LINK]
- How the smartphone changed family relationships [primary focus on mobile photography], interviewed by Maridel Martinez- Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 27 June 2018. [LINK].
- Digital Connections, interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 9 June 2017. [LINK]
- Aldub, who are Alden and Main and what do they represent, interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 16 October 2015. [LINK]
- Technology, Connecting Families in long distance relationships, interviewed by Maridel Martinez-Andanar of SBS Melbourne (Radio) in the Filipino Language Program, 22 December 2013. [LINK]